
How to dry wet carpet

Summary: Remove moistureThe first common step in drying carpets is to use a wet and dry vacuum cleaner to remove as much moistur...
Remove moisture
The first common step in drying carpets is to use a wet and dry vacuum cleaner to remove as much moisture as possible. Remember to empty the wet water tank before use and remove any dry dust bags as much as possible. Most wet and dry vacuum cleaners will indicate when they are full and need to be emptied again. If the motor starts to make a high-pitched noise, unplug the vacuum plug and empty the water tank. Operating a vacuum with a full tank is also detrimental to the motor and may cause damage. While removing water from the carpet, repeat these steps as needed.
Water absorption
After absorbing as much excess water as possible, it's time to absorb as much water from the carpet as possible. Use a towel, preferably microfiber, spread it on the carpet and pat to soak the towel. When the towels become oversaturated, replace them with new towels and repeat the process. Be sure to move any furniture during this process and absorb water in these areas.
Create airflow in the room
After removing and absorbing the water, your next action is to create airflow in the room. You can do this by setting up fans throughout the room.
When we create air flow, we use centrifugal and/or axial fans in the process. The centrifugal fan produces a higher pressure air flow, which makes it ideal for drying. Nevertheless, centrifugal fans require more power input, which is difficult if your house is older. Axial fans are larger circular fans with airflow concentrated on the direct target. These are for general use, but if you can't use a centrifugal fan at home, they are still a good choice.
All in all, it is important to use any fans you have and set them up evenly in the room. The hair dryer can also be used to speed up the drying time in particularly humid areas. If weather permits, you can also open windows and screen doors to allow air to circulate.
Tip: If your carpet starts to smell of musky, sprinkle baking soda on the carpet to deodorize. Vacuum after leaving it on for a long time like overnight.
Check the subfloor
After completing these steps, you should check the subfloor to make sure that the water is not deeply embedded under the carpet. Go to the corner of the room and pull back the carpet to assess the level of moisture penetration. If the carpet mat is wet, mold may grow.